Monday, January 7, 2008

Oh how I love him...

When Oscar Wilde was on his deathbed, he was in a cheap Paris hotel room. He hated the interior, but was too sick at this point to move to a different place. He dying poet turned to his friends and said,

"Either this wallpaper goes, or I do!"
I just love him. :)

Spirit is something all people possess, but some peoples' are more outward than others'. Oscar Wilde is an example of a strong spirit: he was cynical, he was always thinking, he knew how to laugh at life, and at himself. Spirit and attitude are part of what make up a person, and it is a huge factor in communication and how people act around each other. But I suppose that's pretty self-evident.

The thing is, being able to realise that your life really is all about having fun and taking chances is probably the most important thing a person can learn. How many people I know who feel like any more they make has dire consequences, and who are afraid of doing certain things because of the outcome they expect...

Life is risk. Life is daring. Life is doing, passion, seeing where your heart leads you and looking out on the view. Fear of the unknown, fear of rejection, are the most harmful things to a person's spirit - life is for new experiences and for loving others and being loved in return.

One of my favorite quotes of all time:

"Life is too important to be taken seriously."

I only just realised, I only just looked...

... it's a quote by Oscar Wilde.


Daphni said...

it's a very moving passage squimp.
i will now go and see what happens when i jump out the window. take a risk eh?

*for anyone who doesn't have a sense of humor, I was joking. i won't actually jump as i am not suicidal*

Squimp said...

Risk, not stupidity. :P