Well, I guess a good way to analyze what is going on in New Moon is through poetry, right?
If you look in my eyes
will you see all locked within?
Can you read their longing,
their slow, tortured hymn?
This happiness wakes me
from an enchanted state,
Now I'm here in your arms
I've just had to wait.
Don't leave me again
in this fierce, biting cold,
Keep me close to your side
as the world grows old.
I can feel all beauty
I can taste sweet desire
Now I'm with you forever
In your heart's glowing fire.
I wrote this thinking about how Bella probably feels in New Moon once she is reunited with Edward... she's had a very rough time, poor girl. That's ok, all better now. :)
i like it. :D
it has a very angsty feel...just like new moon :P
Yes, angsty is the word.
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