So I just got back from the Novice State debate tournament.
You know, debate is a very interesting activity to engage in. You'd think that arguing an issue is just intuitive and natural, but it's amazing how much a good debater has to transform themselves from round to round. You have to truly beleive in both sides of the topic, otherwise you won't be able to debate it well. One round you're affirming, the next you're negating... but you never really know. Sometimes people adjust involuntarily to their opponent. I talked with someone today who said that she debates better against hard opponents than bad opponents. I thought it was interesting, but it kinda makes sense: someone elses power motivates you to your own.
Yeah, sorry bout that.
Anyways, in New Moon, Bella tries to put up a good face by adjusting to the people around her, but somehow she just didn't make it convincing. Her opponent was herself, she was trying to make herself beleive something that she just couldn't. Those kinds of games never work... like playing chess against yourself.
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